Secular Solstice & Rationalist Megameetup 2024

Those of you who attended, thank you all for coming to the East Coast Rationalist Megameetup and the Secular Solstice. We're glad to have you.

If you've come across this page without knowing what the Rationalist Megameetup is, here's the outline.

For a decade now, once a year New York City has hosted aspiring rationalists for a long weekend of skill sharing, socializing, and solsticing. Picture around a hundred people who try to make better decisions and think without bias (or read a lot of LessWrong and its adjacent blogosphere and fiction) in a couple of hotel conference rooms for a weekend, leaving behind only memories and pages of scrawled math equations. Timed to coincide with Secular Solstice, a holiday for people who like to sing about scientific and philosophical progress, the megameetup is a mixing pot of people who have been attending rationalist meetups regularly for years and people who are meeting in-person rationalists for the first time.

I email attendees from previous years when registration opens up for the next year. If you'd like to get notified, please fill out your email on the form below.
